20 May 2016


This is the first poem I wrote while at Bible School, so I thought it'd be appropriate to start off posting with this one... In other news, I'm still toying with ideas in my head for MITR, and hoping something solid comes through. But in the meantime, poetry! :-) 

Sometimes I forget how good the altar is.
From a distance, all I can see is the blood,
So I turn and I run as my stomach turns and I choke on tears—
This? This is good? This blood and this death are good?
I cannot bear this weight of surrender,
For it aches deeper than loss,
It churns in my mind as the voices awaken and yawn and say,
Here? Again? You fool.
You failed, you cannot let go, this is all you have left.
You lie, voices of the depths.
You lie and do not tell the truth.
For the blood that runs off the altar is grace,
Pouring endlessly around me and through me,
Pulsing through my veins, expanding my lungs with every breath.
Loss is not the end, but the beginning,
For when I take all I have and compare it to that which stands in front of the altar,
The One who died upon it, yet rose again,
I shall cast everything down without a second thought,
For the beauty of this Savior is beyond all compare.
It is enough, oh Lord, it is enough.
You are enough.
And if all the voices in my head crowd around,
Shouting all of the blasphemies that cloud my vision and try to bring me into the wasteland of confusion,
I know the Voice that drowns them out, and I know that it is good,
And the Word that is spoken brings life abundantly,
Not death.
For every seed that is buried produces life in its death,
And I know that falling into this earth is not loss,
For what does it profit a man if he gains even the fullness of the earth,
If death has claim on his soul?
But I press forward, casting aside all other weights and cares,
I put on the altar my hopes and my dreams,
I surrender them in deep-seated hope,
For after death,

09 May 2016

I'm Back

Hello bloggy world!

I'm back! I have actually been back for a week now, but life has been insane. In a good sort of way, I think, but it has hindered my ability to reenter the blogosphere. But here I am! For a bit at least. I just wanted to let you know that I survived and am more and more in love with Jesus every day. :-)

Just a few things: I'm still plotting and planning what this blog is going to look like/if things are going to change or if there's going to be new sorts of content and that sort of thing. I'm looking forward to what God has in store! But yeah, there'll be some changes (mostly minor ones) that will happen over the next couple of weeks, and hopefully I will get a real post out to you soon. I am sitting on poetry that I wrote while at school, just waiting on the right time to share it. :-)

As for the blogs I'm following--I have been reading little bits and pieces, when I have the chance! It's amazing, as usual, and I'm sorry that I haven't left you all Hannah Joy-sized comments! I will when things settle down, I am sure. For now, I have a wedding to plan and attend (not mine, don't worry!), and that's what's been going on in my neck of the woods.

I'll have a post updating you on what was my takeaway from school, if I can scrunch it down into a blog post, so be looking for that, if that's something you're interested in. I don't know when that will be, but hopefully sooner than later.

So yeah! Thanks for sticking around! I'm excited to see what God does next with Miles in the Rain!

I'm out for now,
Hannah Joy